Archives for : nodejs

Accepting BDOC container upload from PUT method in SailsJS app

I just struggled with a complex problem of uploading application/bdoc (digital signature container) files to a SailsJS app and I want to share my story. I hope it will make the life easier for those who are working with digidoc and Signwise.

We at Prototypely are creating a solution that heavily uses digital signatures. Signwise is the preferred partner for handling containers and signing process. Signwise process states that they create the container and their system makes a HTTP PUT request to target system to put the newly created container back.

Standard file uploads are handled very nicely in SailsJS by great Skipper library.

However when it comes to uploading quite rare mime types like application/bdoc or application/x-bdoc then it needs some tweaking.

Open config/http.js and add custom body parser there and you’ll be able to accept BDOC files:

bodyParser: function (options) {
  return function (req, res, next) {
    if (req.get('content-type') != 'application/bdoc') {
      return next();
    var bodyParser = require('body-parser').raw({type: 'application/bdoc'});
    return bodyParser(req, res, next);

After that you’ll be able to save the file in your controller. Mind the req.body – this is the buffer that will be written down.

acceptBdocFile: function(req, res){
    var fileId = req.param('fileId');
    var tmpFile = process.cwd() + '/.tmp/' + fileId;
    fs.writeFileSync(tmpFile, req.body);
    return res.status(201).json();

Setting node.js app default timezone

Timezones are … difficult. I can say that based on my >20 years programming experience. They pop up here and there and cause a good amount of headache. I won’t spend too much time here for timezones but I just give a quick tip how to set your SailsJS (or any NodeJS) app to use UTC (GMT) timezone by default.
During the years I’ve learn that it’s best to have everything in UTC in the business and DB layers as a rule of thumb (there are exceptions, of course).

It’s really simple to make your NodeJS app to have UTC as default timezone. Just export an environment variable before you run your app:

export TZ="UTC"
forever --watchDirectory ./ -l logs/log.log --watch app.js